Sunday, January 18, 2009

Blog confession

I love to read other peoples blogs. It is fascinating to me to see how other people raise there kids and spend their time. I also love to read what interesting things are happening in their lives. Some blogs are written so well that I go back and look at mine and think ugh!!! and some sound like mine. I have a friend who has a beautiful blog, it is written elegantly, has great topics, cute pictures, and captions. She also has a beautiful heart. I love reading her blog of course mine just don't compare. For some reason I was left with out rhythm and creativity and my poor oldest child is walking in my footsteps. Maybe I am putting to much thought into blogging and maybe I just have to much time on my hands. I really should be ironing.


Kelly said...

I love your blog, De De. I think you do a wonderful job (ps - loving Sleeping Beauty, Allie enjoyed dancing to it earlier)


I love you blog too! I check it often and think your kids are so cute!